Joseph Oloya

Honesty, a Call to Truthful Living

Honesty is telling and living by the truth. Honesty is authentically expressing in words and actions, what you believe to be the truth. It’s acting outwardly what you believe inwardly. Honesty is especially harder when the stakes are higher; when the price of honesty can threaten a relationship, when speaking up your mind makes you …

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Have an Inspiration, Start With ‘why’

Motivation is your driving factor for actions and goals, derived from the word motive. It’s the big ‘why’ that influences the decisions that you make; whether it’s the daily short-term decisions or the long-term vital choices in life like a career or spouse choice. Different people are motivated by different things, whether it’s; money, pleasure, …

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How Your Ego is Killing Your Goals and Aspirations

“If you start believing in your greatness, it’s the death of your creativity” Marina Abramovic. In today’s society, you are encouraged to think of yourself as special, a unique snow flake that will change the world someday. Parents will tell you, you’re meant for greatness, motivational speakers will tell you, the sky is the limit, …

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Subtle Signs of a Low Sense of Self-Worth

Self-worth is an appreciation for one’s own value, It’s a form of self-respect one accords oneself. We all tend to base our self-worth on something; for some it’s social status, for others it’s any personal skills and talent they possess, for some it’s money, for most it’s something that makes them unique and set them …

Subtle Signs of a Low Sense of Self-Worth Read More »

How Childhood Experiences Shape Your Personality

When it comes to personality development, there are two major factors, genetics and childhood experiences. These two factors influence the five main traits that determine personality, Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism (OCEAN). Openness is a person’s level curiosity and enthusiasm to try out new experiences. Conscientiousness is a person’s level organization and responsibility, discipline, self-control …

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The Introverted Outcast in an Extroverted Society

Extroversion is one of the big five character traits that determine a person’s personality. It’s a character trait that measures a person’s relative level of sociability, talkativeness, outgoingness. At one end of the scale is an extravert; the extremely sociable fellow, can easily strike a conversation with anyone, feels alive in presence of social interactions …

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Perfectionism, the Obsession With Living up to Unrealistic Standards

We live in a perfectionistic society that is always projects what an ideal person should be. The pretty young woman, five foot eight, long straight silky hair, glowing skin, twelve-inch waist line, angelic curves. The kind of woman the rest envy and leaves a trail of men drooling. She is married but is also financial …

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What You Value Most at your Core, Defines who you are

In his book “seven habits of highly effective people”, Stephen Covey writes about ‘the center’, the core where our most basic paradigms originate. What a person has at their center dictates their personalities, molds their characters and governs their perceptions of reality. It’s what guides their goals, ambitions and values. It’s their source of self-esteem, …

What You Value Most at your Core, Defines who you are Read More »