Month: September 2021

Why people cheat.

A lot of the “conventional wisdom” about cheating is pure bullshit. People will tell you “a nice guy like that wouldn’t cheat” or “men just need to sow their wild oats” or “she was looking for something you didn’t provide” – it’s all bullshit. What we do know about cheating is that it is extremely …

Why people cheat. Read More »

6 Struggles That Most Young Adults go Through

Young adulthood is a transition stage from teenage hood to adulthood. It’s a stage somewhere between 18-29 years. It’s a person’s first taste of maturity through financial independence, freedom to make life choices, exploration of sexuality among others. Not everyone develops at the same rate though; some start dating in their teenage years, others not …

6 Struggles That Most Young Adults go Through Read More »

Men are Less Likely to Seek Mental Health Help and This is Why

Taking more than 700,000 lives per year, suicide is the fourth leading cause of death globally among young people aged between 15 and 29 (young adults) and is most prevalent in low and middle income countries. Among people who die by suicide, the largest portion are men. In fact, a study showed that in Kampala …

Men are Less Likely to Seek Mental Health Help and This is Why Read More »

How Personal Values Tell You Who You are and What You Want

Personal values are aspects of life we consider most important to us. Personal values are our guidance systems in life, they are what we base on to make both short-term daily decisions and long-term life choices. People acquire personal values straight from childhood from their immediate environment; From parents and guardians, most of the values …

How Personal Values Tell You Who You are and What You Want Read More »

Redemption, the Journey from an Addict to a Mental Health Advocate

It’s the stories from people who have seen the dark side of life that are the most inspiring; stories of how they dug themselves out of pits of addiction, depression, loneliness. These stories give us hope, hope that however bad a situation gets, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. They are living …

Redemption, the Journey from an Addict to a Mental Health Advocate Read More »

Honesty, a Call to Truthful Living

Honesty is telling and living by the truth. Honesty is authentically expressing in words and actions, what you believe to be the truth. It’s acting outwardly what you believe inwardly. Honesty is especially harder when the stakes are higher; when the price of honesty can threaten a relationship, when speaking up your mind makes you …

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